
We adore children! And, we understand that
your children are your most precious gift.

We adore children! And, we understand that your children are your most precious gift.

Our leadership team comprises two dedicated women, both former au pairs, with a shared passion for establishing authentic connections. Founders and close friends, Amy Kroger and Bianca Sarkis, have built up experience, expertise and a love for caring for children.

Now, with a passion to share our love for raising, caring for and guiding children, we’ve established Au Pair Hive – a community of caring, loving and committed au pairs, babysitters and tutors.

Our Story
Who we are

Our Vision

We strive to connect parents with compatible au pairs who will provide their children with the highest quality care as well as create an atmosphere that encourages growth and supports each child in reaching their fullest potential.

Using an Agency in Your Search for an Au Pair

Using an Agency in Your Search for an Au Pair

Looking for an au pair can be an overwhelming process for any parent! With a vast amount of online resources and agencies to choose from, parents may experience an information overload and may not be sure where to begin. This is why choosing an agency such as Au Pair...