We adore children! And, we understand that
your children are your most precious gift.
We adore children! And, we understand that your children are your most precious gift.
Our leadership team comprises two dedicated women, both former au pairs, with a shared passion for establishing authentic connections. Founders and close friends, Amy Kroger and Bianca Sarkis, have built up experience, expertise and a love for caring for children.
Now, with a passion to share our love for raising, caring for and guiding children, we’ve established Au Pair Hive – a community of caring, loving and committed au pairs, babysitters and tutors.
Our Vision
We strive to connect parents with compatible au pairs who will provide their children with the highest quality care as well as create an atmosphere that encourages growth and supports each child in reaching their fullest potential.
Five simple ways to calm children when they’re upset
Whether it’s a temper tantrum, an emotional outburst or a fight with a friend/sibling — when your child is upset it’s often extremely overwhelming and exhausting. Try these simple ideas to help calm them when they’re upset: Guide your child in counting from one to...
Five Stimulating Activities To Do With Your Newborn Baby
Whenever we use our hands and fingers, fine motor skills come into play. Fine motor skills involve the small muscles that control the hand and fingers. Having weak fine motor skills may mean that, in the earliest years, the baby will have difficulty learning to feed...
Simple ways to provide working funds to your au pair
Having an au pair whose duties include grocery shopping, running errands and taking your busy bees on outings means they require access to funds. You may find yourself unsure about how to provide money for these duties. There are many options such as providing cash on...
Five Mother’s Day gift ideas for au pairs to make with kids
It’s time to start thinking about Mother’s Day gifts! Nothing says “I love you” more than a handmade gift and for moms, receiving one from their children is one of the greatest joys. For au pairs, making DIY Mother’s Day gifts is a great way to encourage creativity as...
How to Make Your New Au Pair’s First Day as Smooth as Possible
You and your busy bees (kiddies) may feel both excited and a little nervous about what to expect on your au pairs first day with your family. This is absolutely normal as change always takes some getting used to and we’re sure your new au pair is feeling a little...
How to Nail Your First Day of Your New Au Pair Job
Everyone experiences those “first day jitters” when starting a new job. You hope for things to go as perfectly as possible, to make a good first impression and to learn as much about your new job as you can without feeling overwhelmed. Here are some ways you can...
Using an Agency in Your Search for an Au Pair
Looking for an au pair can be an overwhelming process for any parent! With a vast amount of online resources and agencies to choose from, parents may experience an information overload and may not be sure where to begin. This is why choosing an agency such as Au Pair...
How to Give Yourself the Best Chance at Being Hired as an Au Pair
There are currently many people trying to find jobs as au pairs, so what can you do to make yourself stand out? Here are a few ideas from the Au Pair Hive team: CV: your CV is one of the first things a family will look at. It is imperative that you compile a...